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curly hair | straight talk archive

A monthly missive with a mission


March: A confession from a reluctant content creator
February: Stop throwing arrows at cupid
January: A tale of two artisans in New York City


December: When a meme isn’t enough
November: The surprise of the film “The Substance”
October: A spooky story just in time for Halloween
September: Too much of a bad thing is a bad thing
August: Surfing emotional waves before take-off
July: Sailing the choppy seas of change
June: Why it’s wise to avoid avoidance
May: School’s out forever. Now what?
April: Not everyone’s cup of tea
March: The whole is greater than the sum of your parts
February: Regrets: How to have too few to mention.
January: New year. Same you?


December: Time is on your side. Yes it is.
November: Being grateful isn’t always so great
October: Does your heart have a seat at the table?
September: Are you a victim of second-hand anxiety?
August: The robots can’t save us
July: What are you fierce about?
June: Father knows best (or does he?)
May: Well-meaning, terrible advice from our moms
April: Sunk costs and years lost
March: Don’t believe the hype: success can be a bear!
February: A few words on career transitions (mine & maybe yours)
January: Dare to just say NO to goals


December: If it’s WFY, kiss it goodbye!
November: No job offer? No problem!
October: What do you want to be the day AFTER Halloween?
September: How a tennis match helped me find a better match
August: Have you settled for off-the-rack success?
July: What’s worth fighting for?
June: Why it’s okay to be a scaredy-cat
May: Waiting for a sign? Stop waiting and start moving.
April: Thinking about quitting your job? Read this first.
March: How a strawberry cupcake changed my life
February: Who says grown-ups can’t paint?
January: The new year: friend or foe?


December: Introducing “Curly Hair | Straight Talk”